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Hold My Hand, 2020, Media, silicone and bronze.

Simply this piece is based on mine and my families bond with my Grandmother, who is living with Alzheimer's disease.

This video was collaboratively produced with my family to capture our adaptations towards communicating with her.

For example, the compassionate act of touch relieves pressure when words are failing my Grandmother. The caring touch of holding hands comforts and connects a shared experience of emotions.

In response to the 7 stages of Alzheimer's disease, I cast 7 pairs of my Grandmother’s hands, the 7th stage in bronze and others in flexible silicone. Using bronze, specifically, because of its connotations to remembrance in contrast to memories fragile present reality of a constant intrinsic state of presence and absence. The permanence, yet slow decay of the disembodied bronze hands tell life’s story through each crease and the patina of skin.

The flexibility of silicone inferred certain uncanny animacy through their interactive movement, in which they transferred energy through the magnetic force from within them.

Our existences intimate yet slippery, relationship with memory has shaped an emotive response in the material processes of my works.

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