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Eve Hindle-Buffey graduated with a First Class BA (Hons) in Fine Art, at Leeds Arts University and now has completed her MFA in Contemporary Art Practice course at Edinburgh College of Art. Hindle, experiments with sculptural techniques of predominantly casting and drawing portraits, specifically pencil drawings. 


Currently, the concept of her work focuses on two and three-dimensional self-portraits, regarding the head to be the seat of the soul. Most recent works respond to living in the pandemic, specifically the eccentric behaviour manifested in life during both lockdowns.


The open nature of her work engages equal priority to object and space within the balance of her fragmented compositions. Specifically, her latest works inform an oscillating conversational dialogue between her humorous characters' facial expressions of anger, happiness and frustration that define her experience.


Overall, the ongoing investigation throughout the making process of each series' composition embodies her personal narrative.

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