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Tangible and Intangible Memory


Here I combined an edited a 50's film of my family and a casted family relic of a telescope. The telescope cast encloses a nostalgic past state of dysfunctional memories.


My intentions are to disconnect the viewer by distorting their identities to evoke a sense of absence in their definitive presence.


This intrinsic concept of absence occurring through its polar opposite of presence highlights the physical luminosities preserved movement as a phantasmagorical image.


Through this edit, I transformed a past state of reality into a simulation of hallucination, false on the level of perception, yet true on the level of time to form a simulated hyperreality. Excessive dream-like visions created through exaggerated colour and form, misplaced detail and sound to suspend the reality of the past into a paradoxical state of hyperreality that has become bound by the physical mass of time to form catalysts of memory.


Do we know or do we reserve and preserve that moment of physical luminosity, that trace of colour?


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